February 2nd 2025

February 2nd 2025              Isaiah 42 the servant of Jehovah


We have here a two fold verse which needs explaining before we start.

This chapter tells of a two different events of the coming Servant of God.

1) He is represented as  (a)weak,  (b) despised by others, (c)rejected by the nation and slain

2) He is as a mighty conqueror, (a) taking vengeance on the nations and fully restoring Israel

    (ch 40 v10  and ch. 43 V 1-4)   YET TO TAKE PLACE  


V 1-4 THIS ​Messiah / Servant is presented as the tender Shepherd He is.

A very quiet, meek and humble person, not wishing to be at the forefront of the Social life, but working in the background. The Emphasis of Salvation turns here from one of a National religion, to a personal or individual way.

Doing the will of His Father, so making God pleased with Him, and His work.

This chosen one, is to be the very head of a new way of life, with God’s elect people following Him.

All those who believe in the Messiah would be Saved.


V 2 His work was to minister to the people and lead them to the right path of Salvation, not as a big display but quietly. Although the multitudes followed Him they often sought to see the miracles and hear the parables that He would talk about.


V3 Very tenderly he was to treat the people. Yes there were going to be those who opposed Him.

The poor and needy wanted someone to treat them with kindness and love, which they never received from the Authorities of His day. “ a bruised reed  shall he not break……”

The weakest believer must be treated with care and nurture, so that they can grow stronger.


Now the second part of v 1

His ministry was to all nations, not just to the Jew. With Him would he bring Judgement, and Justice

The word “mishpat”, translated into our word Judgement has a deeper meaning. It is a standard of the principles of divine holiness and truth. These standards are to be set by the Messiah while here on earth,


V4 “Set Judgement in the earth”, planted firmly, so that they show forth fruit in its season. For the Gentile and the Jew (see v1) whatever happens to the messiah, he will remain faithful to the work He is to do on earth.


V 5 – 9 God’s twofold mission. This Creator God. Who fashioned the sea, and spread out the continents wants the best for His people. I Have Called thee in Righteousness.

He will indeed take us by the hand and lead us gently through the maze of this life, bringing us out into the beautiful Heaven that is to be our home. Israel will be restored. The Covenant will be fulfilled


To the Gentile.

He will bring light into our pathway through life and will shine that light which will lead us from our dark path and will also provide for us our Salvation.

The message of God’s Servant would bring a Gospel to free all believers from Satan’s power.


V 7  to free all those in bondage to sin.


V 8  I AM Your God, nothing is to come between us. God must take first place in our lives.

Just recently we have had people putting other things before God. And the work of our Church.

If your worldly life TAKES PRIORITY over things before God, your priorities are wrong.

GOD MUST COME FIRST.  I must stress this to you all read verse 8 again.


V 9 the reason “Former things are gone”  THESE ARE THE WORDS OF GOD , not my words

God has set before us a pathway to follow, if we go off in our own way, you stand to LOOSE your Salvation, by denying the calling of Christ which you responded to. YOU GAVE your life to Him on the condition of full surrender. IF you dare to neglect the promise you made, watch out, disaster is round the corner, heading your way. With your name written on it. REMEMBER GOD FIRST.



V 10 -12 The Gentiles will indeed give praise for their Salvation, for the deliverance from sin and for their conversion from darkness into the full light of God’s Kingdom.

This God so faithful to His commitment to His people, is now available for us to enjoy.

Can we truly neglect the Salvation offered to us.

If we do God’s anger and wroth will fall on us, Hell will become your home for eternity..



VV 18 TO 25 THESE words speak for themselves   People called out to serve Him are ignoring him completely.              


News from the Church    New dates

5th February  …..Friendship Group,  (this covers all ages and the lonely people)

19th February….. Knit and natter is a time to finish old projects or learn new skills



1) Sodom and Gomorrah  2) Nineveh  3) The land of Midian  4) Bethel5) Red sea (reed sea) 6) Jordan   7) Shiloh  8 ) Mt. Carmel 9)  Nebo10).Philistine 11) Lebanon  12) Moab   13)  Egypt 14) Mt. Sinai

15) Babylon 16)  Ur of the Chaldees  


Bible Quiz    this week’s Quiz is a simple one

which are these people and books from the Old Testament

1 Where did Abraham go to offer Isaac as a sacrifice?                  

2  Moses was found in the bullrushes of which river?

3    Which town was it where Samson carried away the town gates?

4    Where did Noah’s Ark rest after the floods went down?

5    Where did Adam and Eve first live?

6   Which city in Canaan did Joshua destroy with God’s hep?

7  In which city was the Temple built?

8 What was Davids home town?

9    Where was Ruth from?

10  Which  King wrote most of the Psalms?

11  What does Exodus mean?

12   Which of these is not in the Old Testament   ( Exodus, Galatians, or Isaiah)?

13   What is the last book of the Old Testament?

14   In which book is the Serpent first mentioned?

15   Which of these is not in the Old Testament   ( Philemon, Leviticus or Joshua)?

16   Which book tells of the capture of Jericho?


God Bless