December 8th 2024

December 8th 2024                 1 John chapter 2  v 12-17.


The Address of the Commandment of separation in 2:15-17 is forthose addressed in these verses.

V 12. Little children.  ( young believers ) All of John's readers are being addressed, but with special emphasis in this word on the relationship they have one to the other because of the forgiveness of their sins.

For his name's sake. By believing on the name of Christ they experienced forgiveness.

V 13. Fathers. The address is now made to the older ones in the congregation and those who were prominent by reason of their position.

Ye know. You have come to knowledge through abiding in the commandments of the Christian life.

Him that is from the beginning, Jesus Christ (who was there before the creation of the world)

Young men. The younger ones in the group. Have overcome, showingthe remaining result of past action.

Strength, which is characteristic of youth, is necessary for victory in spiritual battles.

The wicked one. Since the address to the youth is personal very likely the reference here is also to the personal experience of the devil. "The 'abruptness with which the idea of 'the evil one' is introduced shews that it was familiar"

Little children. The same group as addressed in v12, though the word here is the stress is on subordination rather than on relationship. Age distinctions are not seen in these words as they are in "fathers" and "young men ; so the reference is to the entire group.

I write It is probably to be accounted for by a change in John's viewpoint as he wrote the letter.

Known the Father. The use of Father in the address to little children reinforces the idea of subordination.

The term Father occurs more often in John's writings than in all three Gospels added together.

V 14. Word of God. The reason the young men could overcome the devil was that the word of God had residence in them. They did the will of God as revealed in his word.

In the addresses of v12-14, John reminded his readers of their privileges as Christians.

Their sins had been forgiven, they knew Him who is the truth, and they had experienced spiritual victory.

In these verses he urges them to walk worthy of this high calling by not loving the world nor the things in it. Loving God is incompatible with loving the world.

V 15. Love not. The command is addressed to all (not to one particular class)

The world. The world is that organized system which acts as a rival to God. It is that "which finds its proper power and fulfilment in a fixedorder and without God"

Though God loves the world of men (John 3 v16), we must not love that which organizes people against God.

A truly religious man keeps himself from the world (James 1 v 27),

Since friendship with it is enmity with God (James 4 v 4).

The world lies in the lap of the wicked one ( I John 5 v 19),

and John uses the world as a substitute for darkness ( John 3 v 19) .

The command is not, "Love not too much " but "Love not at all."

Neither the things that are in the world. Love nothing in the sphere of the world

We must use the things in the world, but when we love them in place of God, we abuse their use

V 15 b. This thought of replacing God in our affections with the things of the world, is stated in the last phrase of the verse.

If any man love the world, It is the principle of not serving two masters (Matthew 6 v 24; James 4 v 4).

Since the world is the same as darkness, it must exclude God, who is light.

This is the first reason for not loving the world . The second reason for not loving the world is that the things of the world are not of the Father.

V 16 For. gives the detailed reasons for the statement of v 15

Lust of the flesh. The flesh, is particular here, as it is normally when used with lust. So the meaning is not lust for flesh, but the fleshes lusts, or those lusts which have their base in the flesh.


Flesh used in this proper sense ( as opposed to material sense, meaning body) is the old nature in man, or his capacity to do that which is displeasing to God.

Lust of the eyes. The eyes are the gate from the world to the flesh.

In the phrase lusts of the flesh, the thought is of physical pleasure, while in the lust of the eyes, the thought is mental, physical or visual pleasure

Pride of life. The word pride occurs here and only in James 4 v 16, where it is translated boastings.

The idea in the word is flashiness which results from not seeing the real emptiness of the things of the world.

the pride of life is flashy pride in the possession of worldly goods.

Is not of the Father.   none of these things originates from the Father but rather from the world.

V 17  the third reason for not loving the world is that it is temporary

Is passing away. Present tense, a process now going on

The lust thereof. The lust which belongs to and is stimulated by the world are only short lived.

If all this is passing away, how foolish to fix your affections on that which is already in the process of termination.

But he that doeth. The Christian is not disturbed, he is safe in the hands of God

Doeth the will of God is the opposite of all that is in the world.

For ever.  Doing the will of God proves the possession of eternal life, which means abiding forever.    


News from the Church    New dates

18th December….. Knit and natter is a time to finish old projects or learn new skills

22nd December….. Carol Service at 6-30pm

25th December….. Christmas day Service. 10-00 am This is a 45 minute service so you can get back

      to preparing the dinner

8th January  …..Friendship Group,  (this covers all ages and the lonely people)



1) Rab-shakeh  2) Spread it before the Lord   3) Isaiah   4) God has heard your prayers

5) An Angel destroyed them   6) Set thy house in order   7) He would live 15 more years

8 ) He was healed with figs, Plus he would go to the Lords house on the 3rd day  

9)  At night on a beast he rode around the walls 10). Come let us build the walls  11) Sanballat  

12)  To defend themselves against attack  13) They were to assemble where the trumpet was and be ready to fight 14) To reward the builders in turn, so they had a rest time from building  15) Ezra  

16)  Nehemiah


Bible Quiz    this week’s Quiz is about Nebuchadnezzarand Daniel and Mary

1 What was the final result of Nebuchadnezzar’s vision of a big tree?​

2  How many Lords did Belshazzar have to his feast?

3    Half way through the feast what appeared on the wall?

4    Did anyone understand what it said?​

5    Who did the Queen say would be able to tell them?

6   What did Belshazzar say to Daniel?

7  What was the interpretation?​

8 What happened the same night?

9    The child grew and the Grace of God was on him, Who was the baby?

10  What did Mary and Joseph do when Jesus was 12?

11  What did Mary say to Jesus when He was found in the Temple?

12   How many brethren did Jesus have?​

13   To who did Jesus say “ behold your son”?

14   What were Mary’s last recorded words?

15   Mary and his brothers tried to see Jesus, on what occasion?

16   Where do we last hear of Mary the mother of Jesus?

God Bless