January 26th 2025 1 John chapter 5
Believing in Christ is the ground of our fellowship. The word believe has occurred only three times so far in the epistle, but it appears six times in 5: l-13. The fact that the Christian has exercised Faith in Christ is proved in three ways. according to the teaching of this chapter.
V 1. The Gnostics denied that Jesus of Nazareth was the Christ. …John makes faith in this truth an essential test of being begotten of God.
Him that begat is God. …..Him also that is begotten is the believer.
V 2. The conversation of 4 v 20,21 is here stated clearly. It is equally true to say that he who loves God loves His children, and he who loves God's children loves God. ..When we love God. Our conversion is the start of that LOVE
V 3. Keeping Commandments are not Grievous. Not Heavy, or oppressive and not an exhaustive burden. Love makes the commandments of God light.
V 4. Keeping the commandment to love the brethren is possible because of the victory which the Christian has over the world.
Overcometh the world. It implying a continuous battle. Victory that overcometh, Here we have the assurance of the victory. The victory that overcame the world is our faith.
V 5. Our faith is in the fact that Jesus is the Son of God. It is the belief in the full deity (Son of God) and true humanity (Jesus) of the God-man. "Our creed is our spear and shield"
V 6. Water and blood. These have been interpreted to mean
( 1) the baptism and death of Christ; ( 2) the water and blood which flowed from Christ's side on the cross;
( 3) purification and redemption; and ( 4) the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper.
The last two interpretations are symbolical; and there is no call for such interpretations here because
this is He who came refers to actual event. .The first two make the phrase refer to actual events in the Lords life. The Holy Spirit continues to bear witness of this truth.
Baptism and death were the two stations of our Lord’s ministry.
V 7. Because there are three that bear record in heaven.
V 8. The three witnesses ON EARTH are the spirit, and the water and the blood; and these three agree in one. "The trinity of witnesses provide one testimony" namely that Jesus Christ came in the flesh to die for sin that men might live.
V 9. A threefold witness is all that is necessary for men (cf. Deut 19 v 15; Mt 18 v 16; John 8 v 17).
God has given us three witnesses in the Spirit, water, and blood which we must receive.
V 10. In himself. The witness is not only external but also internal.
Made him a liar. Because the unbeliever makes God out to be a liar about his entire plan of redemption which they turned their back on.
V 11. This is the Record. (witness). The content of the external and internal witness is that God gave His divine Son that men might have eternal life.
V 12. We can see from verse 11the same thing.
If the Son has life, then he who has the Son also has life. Life, the life. Eternal life
V 13. These things. The whole epistle john wrote.
That ye may know. The conscious knowledge of the possession of eternal life is the basis for the joy of fellowship, which is the theme of the epistle.
V 14. Boldness. This is the fourth mention of it (cf. 2:28; 4:17 in connection with judgment; and 3:21,22 and here in connection with prayer).
According to His will. The limitation is gracious because His will is always best for His children.
The promise is that God hears us, and this includes the idea that He also grants the petition (Jn 9:31).
V 15. Whatsoever we ask is equal with the according to his will of verse 14.
The believer who is in fellowship with God will not ask anything that is contrary to God's will.
V 16. Prayer is limited not only by the will of God but also by the actions of others.
Sin a sin. The supposed case is one in which the brother is seen in the very act of sin.
He shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. God will hear the prayer
The sentence may mean that God shall give the intercessor life, or it can be taken to mean that the intercessor will give the sinner life through his prayers (similar to James 5 v 20).
It is difficult to decide which is preferred, for both ideas are Scriptural.
A sin unto death. There is sin unto death, which implies not a single act, but acts which have the character of sin unto death. These may not always be outward so that they can be recognized and known, since John says we cannot know what to pray.
Neither is the sin unto death the rejection of Christ, for the context is dealing with Christians.
It must be similar to the cases cited in I Cor 5 and 11 v 30. Indifference to sin OR for this cause many are weak and sickly and many sleep
Concerning prayer for such a brother, John is very guarded in what he recommends.
He does not forbid intercession nor does he encourage it.
V 17. All unrighteousness is sin. John warns against the lax thinking that some sins are permissible and others (unto death) not.
18. We know. With certainty, Sinneth not. "The power of intercession to overcome the consequences of sin might seem to encourage a certain indifference to sin"
Toucheth. Occurs in John only in Jn 20: 17, and means not a mere superficial touching but a grasping hold of. Satan cannot grasp and hold on to the one begotten of God.
V 19. The whole world. The order of words indicates that the world with its thoughts, ways, methods, etc., is meant. It waits the judgement of God
V 20. Is come. includes the ideas of His coming at the incarnation and his presence now in believers.
That we may know. Know by experience through the giving of knowledge.
V 21. Keep. It means guard as a garrison does.
Idols. "An 'idol' is anything which occupies the place due to God"
Ephesus abounded with idols and idolatrous practices; so the warning was most appropriate.
News from the Church New dates
5th February …..Friendship Group, (this covers all ages and the lonely people)
19th February….. Knit and natter is a time to finish old projects or learn new skills
1) Old testament 2) New Testament 3) New 4) Old 5) old 6) new 7)old 8 ) old 9) new 10).old 11) new 12) new 13) old 14) new 15) old 16) new 17.)old 18.) old 19.) old 20.) new 21.) new
22.) old 23.) new 24.) old 25.) old 26.) old 27.) old 28.) new 29.) old 30.) old 31.) new 32.) old
Bible Quiz this week’s Quiz is a simple one
which are these people from the Old Testament places
1 Which two wicked cities were destroyed in Genesis?
2 To which city did God send Jonah?
3 Where did Moses run away to after killing an Egyptian?
4 Where did Jacob see a vision of a ladder?
5 Which body of water did Moses lead the children of Israel through?
6 Which river did Elijah tell Naaman to wash 7 times to cleans his leprosy?
7 What was the permanent location of the tabernacle?
8 Elijah had a contest with the prophets of Baal on which mountain?
9 Which mountain did Moses view the Promised Land from?
10 What nationality was Goliath from?
11 Where did Solomon get the trees to build the Temple from?
12 To which country did Naomi and her family go when there was afamine in her country?
13 Which country did Joseph help to rule?
14 Where did Moses go to receive the 10 commandments?
15 When Daniel was taken captive, where was he taken too?
16 Where did Abraham live when God called him to follow Him?
God Bless