December 22nd 2024

December 22nd 2024                 1 John chapter 3 v 1 -12


The thought of ch 2 v 29- born of him - is now developed. In Purity       "Born of him!

That is what awakens John's grateful surprise, and occasions his exclamation, 'Behold, what manner of love!'

The Reasons for Purity. v 1-3 a, John states two reasons why the Christian ought to be pure. One is related to a past work of God and the second to a future work.

V 1. Behold.( I have just realized the enormity of what we have)  Some see no such significance in the word as used in the NT  The word does imply astonishment and admiration (Matthew 8 v 27; Mark 13 v l; Luke 1 v 29; II Peter 3 v 11 for the only other uses in the NT).

Hath bestowed. (hath given.) Indicates further that the gift is a permanent possession of the child of God.

Sons., adult son, presents the legal side of sonship (and is used only by Paul of believers).

This word emphasizes the natural side, birth into the family of God. Yet both terms are suitable for expressing adoption (John 1 v 12; Romans 8 v 14- 17).

the world knoweth us not. The world does not know by experience what sort of people the children of God are. The world cannot have such practical knowledge because it does not know Christ as Saviour

V 2. Now are we . , , and. "The two thoughts of the present and future condition of God's children are placed side by side as parts of one thought.

The Christians condition, now and eternally, centers in the fact of being children of God.

"In that fact it gives us the germ of all the possibilities of eternal life"

Like him. The likeness of the full reflection of the glory of God in the believer. This includes the physical change to a resurrection body as well as the full spiritual change, which includes purity ( v. 3), no sin (v. 5), and righteousness (v. 7). The reason for this change is our seeing Him (Jesus) as the translation of the church.  

V 3. Hope in him. hope resting on him.  Him refers to Christ.   Purifieth. "constantly purifies himself."

A personal effort is necessary, but our hope must be based on resting in the hope of Jesus  (John 15 v 5).

The thought behind purity is of ceremonial purification required before appearing in God's presence (John 11 v 55; Hebrews 10 v 19; Exodus 19 v 10). But the idea in the word is not only of outward purification but also of inner cleansing (James 4:8; l Peter 1 v.18-19 .

So, it means that the hopeful Christian should be completely pure, just as Christ was entirely pure.

He is ever the standard which John holds before the believer (I John 2 v 6).

Our position demands a certain practice, and John goes on to emphasize the characteristics of that practice in two ideas - righteousness and love.

V 4. Committeth sin., doeth the sin.  The idea is of sinning continually and as completely as possible.

Sin is the transgression of the law. sin is lawlessness and lawlessness is sin.

Law is used in its widest scope here and includes natural law (Romans 2 v 14), the Mosaic law, the law of Christ (Romans 8 v 2; I Corinthians 9 v 21).

V 6, Abideth . . . sinneth not. Both words indicate the habitual character of the person.

The person who is abiding in Christ is not able to sin habitually. Sin may enter his experience, but it is the exception and not the rule.  If sin is the ruling principle of a life, that person is not redeemed (Romans 6); thus a saved person cannot sin as a habit of life.

When a Christian does sin, he confesses it (I John 1 v 9) and perseveres in his purification (v 3).

The continuous sinner has not known God and is therefore an unregenerate person.

V 7. Little children. Let no man Deceive you., do not be lead astrayby any thing or any one.

Doeth. Righteousness is an action we should all be doing

Is righteous. Righteous deeds spring from a righteous character and are the proof of regeneration.

As He.  Jesus Christ, as always, is the example  to follow all through our lives

V 8. Committeth. he who is continually sinning is in the control of thedevil."

This is his habit of life, not merely a single act.

Of the devil. Satan is the source of these sinful desires. Habitual actions again are an indication of character of the person,

Son of God. This is John's first use of this title in the epistle, and it particularly expresses dignity and authority. Jesus Christ in his death has undone the bonds by which the works of the devil were held together. Satan can no longer present a solid front in his attacks on the Christian.

V 9. Is born of God, doth not commit sin . . . you always want to please God so you don’t do things against Him   You cannot sin. If you are truly Born Again because the Seed of God is in you.

V 10. In This  is our life of victory over sin ... "

The children of God ... the children of the devil.

This is the only place in the NT where these two phrases stand side by side

all mankind is apparently of one family or the other; and until one receives Christ, he is a child of the devil

He that loveth not his brother. "This clause is not a mere explanation of that which is to follow but the expression of the Christians form of love

V 12. The hate of a brother leads to what happened, so John looks at the example of Cain.

He is said to have belonged to the family of the wicked one.

Slew. Originally the Greek word (used here and in Revelation 5 v ,9,12; 6 v 4,9; 13 v 3,8; 18 v 24 only) meant "to cut the throat," and later it meant " to slay with violence."


News from the Church    New dates

22nd December….. Carol Service at 6-30pm

25th December….. Christmas day Service. 10-00 am This is a 45 minute service so you can get back

      to preparing the dinner

5th  January…….Covenant Service at 6-30pm

8th January  …..Friendship Group,  (this covers all ages and the lonely people)

15th January….. Knit and natter is a time to finish old projects or learn new skills




1) Peter and John  2) Four   3) John   4) The 7 churches of Asia 5) John ch 2  6) Bring down fire from heaven  7) Yes   8 ) john  9)  The cockerel crew   10). The servant of the High Priest

11) The maid was so excited at hearing Peters voice she went and told the others   12)  At Jerusalem

13) Running to the empty tomb 14) Peter   15) Yes   16)  Follow Me


Bible Quiz    this week’s Quiz is about Philip, Luke and Silas

1 What was the conversation between Philip and the Eunuch in the desert?​

2  What was the outcome of this conversation?

3    Which 2 cities did Philip preach in next  ?

4    What famous visitors called at Pilip’s house?​

5    How many visitors were there?

6   How many others were chose with Philip to be Deacons?

7  Who offered money to buy the Holy Spirit?​

8 What reply was given to him?

9    How many were chosen to go with Paul to Antioch?

10  Who did Paul chose to go with him on his 2nd missionary journey?

11  Do you know any of the towns he visited?

12   Who were the first 3 missionaries to visit Europe?​

13   Who was their first convert?

14   And who was the second convert?

15   Silas was known by another name, what was it?

16   What happened to Silas and Saul at Philippi?

God Bless