December 15th 2024 1 John chapter 2 v 22 to 29
V 22 Who is a liar? This is abruptly introduced without any connection at all.
He that denieth that Jesus is the Christ. The background of this denial is Gnosticism, not Judaism.
If it were Judaism, the denial would be similar to that against which the early apostles preached ( Acts 5: 42, etc.) - namely, that Jesus of Nazareth was not the Christ of the OT.
But the Gnostic heresy against which John is here writing was that Christ came upon Jesus at his baptism and departed before his death. This was the liar's denial that Jesus was truly the God-man.
This is the teaching of the antichrist. That denieth the Father and the Son.
Gnosticism considered Christ and Jesus as two distinct people.
So, to deny that Jesus is the Christ is to deny the Son, the God-man. And to deny the Son is to deny the Father, because the Son is the revelation of the Father without whom the Father cannot be known (Mt 11:27).
V 23. The previous statement is now emphasized.
Hath not the Father. In verse 22 John says that to deny the Son is to deny the Father.
Here he says that to deny the Son is to have not the Father; to deny the Son is to forfeit the right to become a child of God (John 1 v 12) and to possess the Father as a living friend.
It is a living relationship that is in view here, it is not merely a creed that is an agreement.
He that acknowledgeth. The positive statement of the same truth.
V 24. Let that therefore abide in you
Which ye have heard and have been taught from the beginning is. the foundational truths of the Gospel.
Abiding in them brings abiding in the Son and the Father.
V 25. This is the promise refers to eternal life, which is the promisewhich Jesus gave us.
this is the same as abiding in Him in the earlier verse.
V 26. These things he tells them are concerning the false teachers. He has written them to make you aware of what is happening
Seduce. Lead astray by false teachers, was a common thing until it was put right by the Apostles
V 27. And as for you ,,, the anointing in you holds you fast
Anointing. This is the gift of the Holy Spirit which the believers received when they were converted (v. 20).
From him. Source of the gift of the Spirit. This is a gift from Jesus because you are following Him
Need not that any man teach you. Because this is the Spirit's work (John 16 v 13 ).
As the same anointing teacheth you of all things. A reemphasizing of the statement before
Teacheth. continuous teaching of the truth. By the Holy Spirit in you
Ye shall abide he is commanding them to experience these things.
V 28. Abide in Him. A command to keep His commandments
When. ….(if) in some translations of the Bible That if, does not throw doubt on the fact of His coming but only raises questions as to certain circumstances surrounding his coming; (for example the time of it.)
Abiding results in
1) having confidence and
2) not being ashamed.
Confidence. Is boldness (freedom in speaking or readiness to say anything.)
When He shall appear. We should be able to have unreserved speech as we give account of our stewardship to him.
Not be ashamed before him. (not shrink with shame from him) as a guilty person surprised at his coming.
Coming.. The only occurrence of the word in John's writings.
Often it is used in connection with judgment which accompanies his return
V 29. He is righteous. The earlier verse speaks of Christ; so, it seems logical to refer the he of this verse to Jesus Christ.
Every one that doeth righteousness. - "doeth it routinely." It is second nature because we live in Jesus
Is Born of him. this means born of Christ,
, this is the only reference to Christ's work of begetting,
although begotten of God and of the Spirit are Scriptural ideas;
"The true solution of the difficulty seems to be that when John thinks of God in relation to men, he never thinks of him apart from Christ
And again he never thinks of Christ in His human nature without adding the thought of His divine nature.
So a rapid change is possible from the one aspect of the Lord's divinehuman Person to the other"
News from the Church New dates
18th December….. Knit and natter is a time to finish old projects or learn new skills
22nd December….. Carol Service at 6-30pm
25th December….. Christmas day Service. 10-00 am This is a 45 minute service so you can get back
to preparing the dinner
5th January…….Covenant Service at 6-30pm
8th January …..Friendship Group, (this covers all ages and the lonely people)
1) He praised the Lord of Heaven 2) 1000 3) A hand writing 4) No5) Daniel 6) Art thou the Daniel brought in the capture 7) Thou art weighed in the balances, thou art weighed in the balances and found wanting, thy kingdom will be required of thee 8 ) He was killed. 9) Jesus 10). To the Temple
11) Why hast thou dealt with us thus 12) Four 13) His mother 14) Whatever He saith to you do
15) When Jesus was speaking to a large crowd of people 16) Acts Ch 1 v 14
Bible Quiz this week’s Quiz is about James and John, Simon Peter and Andrew
1 Who made the first missionary work?
2 How many books in the Bible are titled John?
3 The book of Revelation was given to which Disciple?
4 To who did he specifically write the book to?
5 One letter was written to “ a lady and her children”, Which book?
6 How did 2 brother want to punish inhospitable villagers?
7 Were the 2 brothers there when Jesus appeared at Tiberias after the crucifixion?
8 Which Disciple is called the “one Jesus loved”?
9 What caused Peter to remember the words of Jesus?
10 Whose ear did Peter cut off?
11 Why did the door remain shut for Peter when all inside were so glad to see him?
12 When did Peter and Paul first meet?
13 When did Peter run a race with another Apostle”?
14 Who wrote “ Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you?
15 Was Andrew present at his brothers sermon on Pentecost?
16 What last commission did Jesus give to Peter?
God Bless