October 20th 2024 1 Peter ch 3 v 1 - 13
1-6 .. Likewise, ye wives, Leaving the Implications of holiness for slaves Peter addresses the married women.
These he directs,
Be in subjection to your husbands ( Eph 5 v 22; Col 3 v 18).
The rule of divine love is still the background.
The husband is recognized as leader in the home, and the wife's chaste conversation, her prudent and
self-controlled conduct in the home, will win some to Christ.
She is not to seek attention by the artificialities of hairstyle, jewellery, or showy dress, but to be distinguished by that meek and quiet spirit so rare in the world and so prized by God.
The wives of the patriarchs are seen as examples of this deportment (v. 5). Apparently gaudy and showy adornment is viewed as contrary to the spirit of modesty, and also modesty toward husbands.
The same implication appears in 1 Tim 2 v 9-12.
V 8 I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.
V 9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
V 10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.
V 11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
V 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
V 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
Modesty of woman's dress is associated with becoming modesty of manner.
Apparently Christian faith implies a different standard of dress and adornment from the world's.
Sara is seen as deferring to Abraham's leadership, calling him lord (Gen 18 v 12).
Verse 6 reminds these Christian women that they are adopted daughters of Sara: "Whose children you became, doing good and not being subject to inordinate fear
7. Likewise,. ye husbands. Passing now to the implications of holiness in the husband.
Peter instructs that the marriage relationship be seen in terms of consideration, according to knowledge.
Here is the opposite of selfishness.
Giving honour unto the wife. The word for giving indicates a deliberate duty, a purposeful channelling of honour (related to . precious") to the wife who is in God's grace an equal heir.'
That your prayers be not hindered.
Feelings of resentment, growing from selfish conduct in the home, make effective prayer impossible.
Effective prayer must be "without wrath" (I Tim 2 v 8).
V 8,9. Be ye all of one mind. This recalls the "one accord" of Pentecost, or Paul's commands to the Philippians to be "in one spirit" (Phil 1 v 27) and "like-minded, having the same love, being of one mind, of one spirit" (Phil 2 v 2),
followed closely by his gripping outline of the mind of Christ.
Peter's catalogue of accompanying graces reads like the gracious modest aspects of the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5 v 22,23)
or of the "wisdom that is from above" (James 3 v 17).
V 10-12. For he that will love life. The apostle quotes Ps 34 v 12-16 in confirmation of his teaching that this Spirit-directed and empowered way of self-emptying is really the life of blessing, the outcomes of which are guarded by the Lord,
V 12 whose eyes ... are over the righteous, and his ears . . . open unto their prayers.
V 13. Who . . . will harm you ... ?' This reminds us of Paul's postscript to the description of the fruit of the Spirit-"
against such there is no law" (Gal 5:23).
As a general principle, allowing for exceptions occasioned by the enemy's wrath, people are not punished for doing good.
This very principle assures that undeserved suffering will not continue long.
News from the Church New dates
6th November …..Friendship Group, (this covers all ages and the lonely people.)
20th November….. Knit and natter is a time to finish old projects or learn new skills
1) asked him to make them gods 2) we cast gold into the fire and out came a golden calf
3) High Priest 4) Aaron 5) Aaron died on Mt Hor and Moses died on Mt Pisgar 6) The Messiah
7) Moses 8 ) As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so must the Son of Man be lifted up
9) Shepherd 10). Until he was 40 11) A Priest 12) Revel 13) When he watered Jethro’s sheep and his daughters took him to meet Jethro14) Seven 15) Isaac, Jacob and Moses 16) Numbers 10 v 29
Bible Quiz this week’s Quiz is about Joshua and Caleb , Gideon and Samson
1 45 years after entering the Promised Land Caleb claimed his inheritance, Where.?
2 What special gift did Calebs daughter ask for?
3 How many times did Joshua tell his army to march around Jericho?
4 Outside which city was the army defeated?
5 What did Joshua once command to stand still?
6 Was the whole land of Cannan defeated by the time Joshua died?
7 Was the land of Cannan finally divided up by Joshua ?
8 What famous words did Joshua say in his last speech to the people?
9 What adventure did Samson have with 300 foxes?
10 When Samson was caught and locked in a city, how did he escape?
11 Which woman was the downfall of Samson?
12 How was Samson finally captured?
13 What was his final act?
14 What was the greatest characteristic of Samson?
15 Where else in the bible do we read of Samson?
16 In which New Testament book do we read of Gideon?
By Ivan Biancardi
Those who have received grace, give grace. Is grace happening to you? Is there someone in your life that you refuse to forgive? If so, do you appreciate God's forgiveness toward you? Do you resent God's goodness to others? Do you complain about God's unequal compensation? How long has your generosity not surprised anyone? Since someone objected, "No, really, that's too generous"? If it's been a while, reconsider God's extravagant grace: "Forget not all your benefits, who forgives all your iniquities" (Psalm 103:2-3). Why don't you let grace mess up your heart?
When grace happens, generosity happens. An irresistible and eye-popping generosity ensues. You just can't contain it. Let it bubble, let it pour, let it gush. You'll find yourself lighting up dark corners with splendour, with the promise of much more to come!
God Bless